Sunday, February 10, 2013

Patient Stories- Ortho

Here is another story written by one of the ship's writers telling about a young patient by the name of Yaya, an ortho patient who became the Prince of the Ward.  Here's his story...

Yaya meets with Dr Frank
Rather than joyous celebration, the reaction to Yaya’s birth was broken family ties. Yaya’s mother, Salematou, and his father, Abdulaye, were not married when their son was born. The tradition that Salematou’s father lived by did not make room for a child born out of wedlock. Despite Salematou’s pleading with her father to allow her to keep her child, his decision was final. As soon as Yaya could leave his mother’s breast, he was sent to live with Kadiatou, his grandmother on his father’s side.

Living with his grandmother turned out to be a wonderful blessing for Yaya. Kadiatou personifies the bottomless heart and limitless space that African grandmothers offer their children and their children’s children. She assumes whatever responsibility comes her way, no matter the burden. Kadiatou explains, “There are many mouths that I feed in my family. In addition to Yaya, five of my children and their nine children need my support too. Everyone shares in the work of the household, but earning income in Conakry is very difficult. My husband now, Mamadouba, is very old. He gives what money he can, but he has family to support too.”

Yaya stole his grandmother’s heart from day one. His ready smile and eagerness to be close to her formed a thick bond. When tragedy struck Yaya, Kadiatou was distraught. “Yaya started walking when he was one year old, but after taking a few steps he would fall. We tried many traditional medicines, but his condition grew worse. At eighteen months, his legs started to twist and curl up. They failed him entirely.”

Yaya’s uncle, also named Yaya, remembers this as a time of many trials for his mother.  “Kadiatou was so afraid for Yaya. He often had a high fever, and his legs would cramp up terribly. He would cry for hours from the pain. Kadiatou tried everything to soothe him. She held him for hours. Then my father and sister died very close together. My mother’s heart was broken into so many pieces.”

Yaya becomes a favorite on the wards
Kadiatou, who had taken in her daughter’s five children, decided that moving the family to Conakry, the capital of Guinea, was best for Yaya. “I hoped that the medical care Yaya needed was in a big city. As well, I knew that Conakry had schools for handicapped children that Yaya could attend.” Another important reason for the move was that Kadiatou was protecting Yaya from the villagers who thought that children with disabilities were cursed. She would not stand for her grandson being tormented, ridiculed, or forced into hiding.

When Yaya reached five years of age, he started attending the school for handicapped children. “I was so happy for Yaya. He started to learn his letters and bring home things he made,” Kadiatou says. Although there were no school fees and transportation was provided, Kadiatou still had expenses to cover, like school supplies. She made ends meet by going to the Grand Mosque daily and helping with cleaning and cooking. After a full year of being a volunteer, she was finally included in the group that received a weekly stipend, plus donations of money and food from appreciative people attending the Mosque.

Yaya often joined Kadiatou at the Mosque after school, and he soon became a favorite with everyone. In the Muslim faith, people are eager to help the needy as a way of observing sadaqah, the duty to overcome miserliness. Many Muslims wanted Yaya to join the group of handicapped people who begged, so that people could give to him. Kadiatou was against Yaya’s doing this, regardless of the enormous struggle she had to support the family. “I faced so much pressure to allow Yaya, in such obvious need, to help people fulfill their duty to sadaqah. I finally relented,” she explains.
Physical therapy on deck 7

Kadiatou continued to be distressed with Yaya’s participating in sadaqah. She prayed that Yaya would get his education and find an occupation where he could use his sharp mind and very able hands. Kadiatou had many doubts about her prayer being answered, but she remained faithful, clutching that thin bit of hope to her heart.

Yaya himself dared not hope. But then an incredible set of circumstances unfolded around him. Nick Veltjens, who worked with orthopedic patients, saw Yaya at the patient screening location the day before consultations began. “I waited all screening day for Yaya to come because I thought we could help him. We didn’t see him that day, so I sent an email around asking if anyone knew where he was.”

In two long leg casts,
Yaya takes his first steps
According to Yaya, “I did go to the screening with my friend, but I lost my courage.” Yaya left without being examined.

The next day, Dan Bergman, a long-term hospital volunteer, came to Nick with a video of a possible orthopedic patient that he had just seen outside the Mercy Ships Dental Clinic. According to Nick, “What a coincidence that Dan found the same little guy that I was looking for!”

For Dan, this series of events said loud and clear that, “God wanted Yaya to find Mercy Ships. He kept putting him in front of us!” Dan tracked Yaya down at the Mosque and delivered the news that he had an appointment at the hospital ship.

But Yaya missed his appointment. As he says, “I did not believe I could be healed, and so I did not want to tell my grandmother to bring me. She would be too disappointed.” But another divine coincidence occurred that finally put Yaya and Mercy Ships together. A government official, Cellou, who had befriended Yaya at the Mosque, was at the Mercy Ships Dental Clinic that same week. He casually asked what a young boy with deformed legs needed to do to get an appointment. It was quickly realized that the boy in question was Yaya and that he just needed someone to bring him to his appointment.

Cellou immediately went to Yaya’s grandmother with the news about Yaya’s appointment. They agreed that Cellou would go to the hospital ship with the boy. When Kadiatou received the telephone call from Cellou telling her that Yaya was accepted for surgery, she experienced a mixture of emotions. “I was so grateful that Yaya could be helped. It was all that I had prayed for. But I was also very uncertain and afraid. I wondered how it would be possible to fix Yaya’s legs and what he would go through.”

Dr. Frank Haydon, volunteer orthopedic surgeon, was able to fix Yaya’s legs. According to Dr. Frank, “The condition that Yaya was born with caused his bones to be very brittle. As he started to walk, the pressure on the bones caused multiple fractures. The surgery he had aligned his leg bones properly, and the two rods I installed will give his legs the needed strength and structure so he can walk.” 

Each day Yaya does grow stronger. He is starting to take his own steps with the help of a walker, and he has progressed to simple below-the-knee leg casts. But at the same time, each day wears on Kadiatou. She shows the strain of being away from family and being indebted to more and more neighbors. She has borrowed money from them for food and malaria medication. However, regardless of the hardship, Kadiatou’s commitment to see Yaya through his healing journey is unwavering. “I would endure anything so Yaya can do what he longs to do more than anything else – play football. By suffering for Yaya and my family now, I know that there will be great happiness in the future,” she says.
The casts come off!

According to his uncle, Yaya’s journey to hope and healing is summed up in a few words: “Yaya is so loved by everyone on Mercy Ships.” And, still, even with so many kind hearts embracing Yaya, there is one who continues to occupy the most special place in his heart. As clear as a bell, Yaya declares, “I love my Grandmother so much! She has done everything for me.”
Written by Joanne Thibault
Edited by Nancy Predaina
Photos by Debra Bell and Michelle Murrey
Yaya's bright energy & personality made the ward light up.  He spent a good many months with us & it was amazing to watch his transformation.  He has gone to the Hope Center, a place off ship for patients that need follow up visits but don't need round the clock nursing care on the ship.  Things are a tad bit quieter now that he's not here :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Patient Stories- VVF

I want to share some of our wonderful, amazing patient's stories with you.  Our wonderful writers on the ship spend some time with a few of the patients, getting their stories down on paper.  They tell of heart break, pain & hope for a better life.  Here is one of those stories...

Above Mariama’s hospital bed someone taped a picture from the day she was admitted. Whenever I visit her, I admire it. That day, she wore a traditional headscarf and an easy smile – radiating of timeless optimism. The faded black-and-white print has a vintage look to it, allowing me to imagine that, if I turn it over, I might find some inky cursive writing that says her location and year. I look at the photograph, and I pretend that Mariama is a mysterious young woman who lived a century ago.

Because in many ways, she is.

Mariama and I are the same age. She was born in rural Guinea, and I in the urban United States. Mariama became pregnant when she was 15 years old; I imagine that she was terrified. Having been married off at age 13, her childhood was cut short, although no shorter than what is expected in her tribe’s culture. When it came time for her to deliver, Mariama’s pelvis was too small, and the hospital was too far. In her Guinean village, she delivered a stillborn baby after three days of labor.
Until I met Mariama, ten years after her agonizing delivery, I had never heard of vesicovaginal fistula. The population of women who need C-sections but cannot have them wasn’t a reality for me. I didn’t appreciate the social impact of VVF or recognize just how many women – more than 2 million, according to the UN Population Fund – suffer from it in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia.

When 15-year-old Mariama did not have access to emergency obstetric care, the pressure of the fetus and the trauma of the obstructed birth tore a hole in the wall between her vagina and bladder. Until the hole can be surgically closed, Mariama will leak urine continuously, as she has for the past decade. She tells me the story of her delivery, her stillborn baby and subsequent pain with mixed emotions – grief for the child she lost, and gratefulness for the fact she lived. You see, VVF is the mark of a woman who did not die in childbirth; it is only endured by survivors. The fluid trickling down Mariama’s legs and the odor that follows her wherever she goes are the consequences of her narrow escape.

After surgery
In the United States, stories like Mariama’s haven’t been told in more than 100 years. In the delivery rooms of the developed world, VVF is preempted with a cesarean section or, in the rare cases, promptly repaired. When natural labor fails, modern medicine prevails. Today, VVF keeps company with obsoletes like smallpox and polio in the shadows of Western medicine, where its symptoms are referenced in the past tense.

In the developing world, VVF is Mariama’s reality. Because the odor of leaking body fluid is powerful, the social stigma of VVF is harsh. When it became evident that Mariama’s condition was not going to correct itself, her husband left her. Mariama was unable to sell fabric in the market because her skirt was always wet – and, without the support of her husband or his family, she had no means of supporting herself. For women suffering from VVF, physical diagnosis becomes a debilitating social prognosis.

Eager to restore the health of her oldest daughter, Mariama’s mother sold the family’s ten cows to pay for transportation to Conakry and surgery. In this, Mariama was fortunate that such resources were available and that her mother didn’t turn her out as so many families do. Most of the women I've met with VVF in the wards have lived their lives in solitude, ostracized by their husbands and families.

Mariama overcame significant obstacles in logistics and finance to get from her small village to a hospital in Conakry. Unfortunately, the surgeons could not fix her fistula. Local doctors suggested she seek surgical care from the hospital ship that would soon arrive in Guinea.

On their referral, Mariama came to the dock in her nicest dress and headscarf, still hopeful that someone could help her.  But Mariama’s surgery onboard the Africa Mercy couldn’t repair the damage. Across the ward, two other VVF patients, Isabel and Kada, had received the same prognosis. The three women gathered around each other, sitting on absorbent blue and white cotton pads, softly crying.

Some of the ladies on the ward
While Mercy Ships nurses wrapped their arms around the weeping women, I thought about the long walk that brought the three of them here. They were let down by their culture, which married them too young. They were let down by motherhood, which had rendered them incontinent. They were let down by their husbands, who rejected them for the smell. They were let down by their society, which considered them unworthy of love. These women, I thought, have been consistently abused by this world. The urine that trickles down their legs each day reminds them they have known no mercy in this life.

But after the disappointment had subsided, Mariama caught her breath. “I will keep trying,” she said to me. "I have seen other women in here be healed from this, and I want to be healed. They did not tell me that there is no hope."

I had underestimated her spirit. In my narrow focus of her situation, I had lost sight of the reality of Mariama’s character – an abbreviated youth, a traumatizing delivery, a lost child and painful rejection. Yet here she was. Mariama is a survivor. Why should this be any different?

The following week, seven patients who had successfully recovered were discharged from the Africa Mercy hospital. As part of the Mercy Ships VVF program, the women are given new dresses when they are discharged to symbolize their re-entry into society. The Dress Ceremony marks the beginning of new life, but I worried that celebrating the happy endings would magnify the disappointments of others.

I was wrong. There was no trace of disappointment in the ward that day, only pure happiness. If the discharged VVF ladies were brides, then the ladies in hospital gowns were their eager bridesmaids, giddy with hopeful anticipation for their own big day. In my office two flights above the ward, the music came through the corridor. I went downstairs to find the women of B Ward dancing and singing. Even the women kept in bed by their catheters waved their arms and clapped. If not for the bright dresses, I could not have distinguished who had been healed – by the looks of it, they all were healed. Just as the VVF women were united by their difficult journeys, so were they united in each other's joy. I thought about what Mariama had said to me – that she believes healing is possible – and I realized the importance and strength of hope.

Advancements in emergency obstetrics in the developing world are decades away from making VVF history; according to the World Health Organization, an estimated 100,000 women are newly affected each year. Within our Western hospitals, VVF is a thing of the black-and-white past – but for Mariama, and many just like her, it is still a reality. Mercy Ships may not always be able to undo the damage. Not every patient is a success story. But no matter the outcome, we show them love, acceptance, and a life worth hoping for. The wound Mariama carries may never be healed. Yet, in spite of her hard journey, the hope she carries will never be drained.

I taped a photograph of the Dress Ceremony above my desk – right next to my copy of the picture Mariama had over her hospital bed. What I like most about the colorful print of dancing women is that when I look at it, I don’t see a long history of suffering and let-downs – I see the future.

Story by Catherine Murphy
Edited by Nancy Predaina

This is just one of the many heartbreaking stories we hear on the ward.  VVF is a terrible thing that effects millions of women world wide & is 100% preventable!  These women are beautiful, loving & the strongest people I've ever met.  It is true that sometimes we can't repair the women, the damage being too severe, but with God's help, we can be successful in healing these women & for that we are thankful.  Dress ceremonies are important, not just for the ladies who are dry & ready to go on with their lives, but also for the doctors & nurses who take care of them, it lets us know that its all worth it just to see those beautiful ladies with big smiles on their faces proclaiming to the world they are dry & healed! 

Please continue to pray for our ladies.  The ones who are dry & most importantly those who are not yet & those who may never be. 
