What happens
behind the doors of the OR is often a mystery for most of the crew onboard. True, for the older crew, we allow people to
sign up to observe surgery for a half of day, but for our younger crew, that
just isn’t possible. What does happen
behind that big sliding door?
Dr Diane gives some suturing pointers |
Once an outreach,
we open that big sliding door & allow kids of all ages come & explore
the OR & the rest of the hospital. Usually,
this happens before the ORs are sterile & there are no patients in the
hospital. This time, though, we had our hospital
open house after the field service had started. Since we couldn’t let the crew come into the
ORs, we brought the ORs to them!
"Learn to Pass Gas Like a Professional" |
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Intubation is a team effort |
A "helping hand" holding the airway |
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They make it look so easy! |
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The kids perform "surgery" |
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Doctor, I think she needs that! |
Our recovery room
took on a carnival-like feel, with an “Intubation Station: learn to pass gas
like a professional”, a “Keep Them in Stitches: learn to suture” station &
a crowd pleaser “Paging Dr____! You’re needed in the OR” station.- where the kids become real "surgeons" & had to remove a tumor using REAL OR instruments. Down the hall, the wards had an IV station- where
they practiced their IV skills, a relay race & the every popular- Be-a-Nurse-For-a-Day
(learning the joys & struggles of taking care of some very unruly
patients). Even the actual patients had
fun, watching some of the antics of the crew.
We are in our 6th
week of surgeries. We are having some
major equipment issues that we need a lot of prayer & technical help with. Please pray for our equipment & those
taking care of our equipment.
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