Thursday, September 8, 2011

Moving Day!

Who would have thought September would come so fast?  Last week it was 90+ degrees out and come Sept 1- its barely reaching 70 degrees!  As I am writing this, I am sitting in my sparsely filled bedroom, I just took down my curtains and paused to look out the window to a view I've had for 5 years.  The little aspen tree by the water fountain is starting to turn a brownish gold around the edges- it doesn't turn the pretty colors like its mountain cousins- but I've enjoyed looking at it over the years.

Steely and me!

One week ago today was a bittersweet moment as I left my job.  I've worked at the university for over 6 years now- most of them on the night shift.  I made a lot of friends, learned a lot and I can credit the U for preparing me for the opportunities I am able to do now. 

Yesterday was my last day at the barn, and even though the weather wasn't ideal (60 and raining), I still got to get a trailride in with my Steely.  I think saying goodbye to the people and horses at the barn was the hardest I've had.  I have to keep reminding myself that its only for a short while- I'll see them again in a year....

And that leads us to today.  ITS MOVING DAY!!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!  OK- don't panic quite yet.  Most everything is in boxes- there's still some stragglers, but soon everything will be emptied and packed in the storage containers parked outside.  I really, truly pray that everything fits.  Please Lord, let it all fit- I can't deal with having to come up with Plan B!

So, here's where things start to get interesting.  Up until this point, I haven't had much to blog about, but I promise, from here on out, I'll have regular updates.  I'm still looking for some more people to help sponsor me- click that little button on the left hand side of the page and help me out! 


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